The Well Community Church
1620 W. Fairmont Ave.
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The Well Community Church, Fresno
At the heart of our church is the idea that the Christian path was not intended to be a solitary one. Your spiritual life, while intensely personal, was not meant to be private. The early church met together a lot, but not in the way we meet today. Acts 2:46 states that our first century counterparts gathered "continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house." So there is a larger corporate gathering and other smaller gatherings in peoples homes. In those smaller home settings people shared their food and their lives. If you only attend The Well on a Sunday night you are missing the majority of the community experience. In a large room you can hide. You can remain in the shadows of anonymity indefinately. By choosing to enter into community with others you allow yourself to be changed as God works through others to shape you, but you also say to that community that you are also willing to help shape them.